Sorellina Coffee - El Volcanito

Sorellina Coffee - El Volcanito

    This is the fourth year that we have purchased all of Willians coffee.  We are always proud to serve his coffee, they are cozy, comforting, and consistantly delicious!   Willian has been growing coffee his entire life, the farm being passed down over generations.   Located just south of Casillas, this remote area of Guatemala is populated almost entirely by Xinka coffee growers.  Just last year, Willian joined his fellow smallholders in the Xinka Resistance.   We taste Nougat cream, brown sugar, and cranberry

    Producer: Willian Orlando Cano Navas

    Farm: La Esperanza

    Origin: El Volcancito Casillas, Nueva Santa Rosa, Guatemala

    Varietal: Pache San Ramon & Yellow Catuai

    Process: Washed

    Altitude: 1650 MASL